Neighborhood News + FenceTalk
Our neighborhood newsletter, Fence Talk, has been in circulation for over 25 years! In the past, our newsletter was issued in paper format and hand delivered to each home throughout the year. Archived copies from 1989 to 2003, and 2016 to 2022 are available for download below. Issues from 2004 to 2015 will be added to our collection as they become available.
Today we primarily share neighborhood news, including FenceTalk and news from our Trustees, online through emails, postings to our website and the Nextdoor website, a social media site for neighbors. Overall, we have found Nextdoor useful for keeping up with events that impact our area (within University Heights and surrounding neighborhoods) as well as finding neighbor-recommended goods and services. If you have not already signed up, we strongly encourage you to take advantage of this free resource. To join, you can email Trustee Myra Vandersall directly or go to the Nextdoor website. If you go to the site initially, one of the Nextdoor "Neighborhood Leads" from University Heights will verify your membership and then you will have full access to the site. As a member you can post messages, make announcements, and invite your neighbors to join. Adjust your settings to manage your account, privacy, and the frequency you receive announcements.
To add your email address to our neighborhood distribution list, please, visit Our Neighborhood Directory page and complete the form. If you do not have the password, email the webmaster. Please provide your name, address, and telephone number in the email.
If you do you not have an email address or you do not have reliable access the Internet, please contact a trustee, or a Neighborhood Association board member to make alternative arrangements.
Dialogue on Historic Preservation
For information about our dialogue on our historic preservation, visit:
University Heights Task Force on Pesticides
For information from the neighborhood task force on tips for non-chemical weed control and troubling facts about pesticides, please visit:
2025 Fence Talk Issues:
2024 Fence Talk Issues:
News from Our Trustees:
Archived FenceTalk Issues:
2022: March, June, September, November
2021: May, July, September, December
2020: March
2018: May, February, September, December
2017: February, May, September, December
2016: November
2015- 2004: Coming...
2003: November-December
2001: March-April, May, June, July-August, October, December
2000: February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November, December
1999: January, February-March, April-May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
1998: March, May, June, July, September, October, November, December
1992: July
1989: June